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Investigadora postdoctoral en el Departamento de Comunicación de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Teresa Gil López (PhD Comunicación, Universidad de California, Davis, 2019) es investigadora postdoctoral en Comunicación Política y Efectos Mediáticos en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Imparte cursos de periodismo social y de datos.

Su investigación se centra en la cobertura mediática de las protestas y su impacto en las percepciones públicas sobre los grupos disidentes, así como en la legitimidad de la protesta como herramienta política. Investigo las formas en que las tecnologías digitales pueden haber alterado las relaciones entre los movimientos sociales, los medios de comunicación y el discurso ciudadano.

Anteriormente trabajó en el Instituto de Pedagogía de la Comunicación y Psicología de los Medios (IKM) de la Universidad de Koblenz-Landau, en Alemania.


1-. Cobertura de protesta; 2-. Opinión pública; 3-. Participación política; 4-. Efectos de los medios


Gil-López, T., Christner, C., de León, E., Makhortykh, M., Urman, A., Maier, M., & Adam, S. (2023). Do (Not!) Track Me: Relationship Between Willingness to Participate and Sample Composition in Online Information Behavior Tracking Research. Social Science Computer Review, 08944393231156634.

Maier, M., Gil-López, T., Bromme, L., Zinkernagel, A., Welzenbach-Vogel, I. C., Christner, C., Adam, S., Schmitt, M., & Tillman, E. R. (2023). The interplay between explicit and implicit right-wing populism in Germany and Switzerland. Political Psychology.

Adam, S., Urman, A., Arlt, D., Gil-López, T., Makhortykh, M., & Maier, M. (2023). Media trust and the Covid-19 pandemic: an analysis of short-term trust changes, their ideological drivers and consequences in Switzerland. Communication research, 50(2), 205-229.

Yu, X., Gil-López, T., Shen, C., & Wojcieszak, M. (2022). Engagement with social media posts in experimental and naturalistic settings: how do message incongruence and incivility influence commenting? International journal of communication, 16, 24.

Ahmed, S., & Gil-López, T. (2022). Engaging With Vilifying Stereotypes: The Role of YouTube Algorithmic Use in Perpetuating Misinformation About Muslim Congresswomen. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 10776990221110113.

de León, E., Makhortykh, M., Gil-López, T., Urman, A., & Adam, S. (2022). News, Threats, and Trust: How COVID-19 News Shaped Political Trust, and How Threat Perceptions Conditioned This Relationship. The International Journal of Press/Politics.

Ahmed, S., & Gil-López, T. (2022). Incidental news exposure on social media and political participation gaps: Unraveling the role of education and social networks. Telematics and Informatics, 68, 101764.

Ahmed, S., & Gil-López, T. (2021). The company you keep: Social network characteristics and political participation disparity among adolescents and young adults. new media & society, 14614448211065420.

Makhortykh, M., Urman, A., Gil-López, T., & Ulloa, R. (2021). To track or not to track: examining perceptions of online tracking for information behavior research. Internet Research.

Gil-López, T. (2021). Mainstream Protest Reporting in the Contemporary Media Environment: Exploring (In) Stability and Adherence to Protest Paradigm From 1998 to 2017. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 98(3), 692-724.

Gil-López, T., Shen, C., Benefield, G. A., Palomares, N. A., Kosinski, M., & Stillwell, D (2018). One Size Fits All: Context Collapse, Self-Presentation Strategies and Language Styles on Facebook. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 10(1), 17-33.

Gil-López, T., Ahmed, S., & Taylor, L. D. (2017). Understanding Fandom in the Multilingual Internet: A Study of “El Clásico” Fans’ Commenting Behavior on YouTube. International Journal of Sport Communication, 10(1), 17-33.

Hilbert, M., James, R.G., Gil-López, T., Jiang, K., Zhou, Y. (2018). The Complementary Importance of Static Structure and Temporal Dynamics in Spontaneous Teamwork Communication. Human Communication Research, hqy008.

Capítulos de libro:

Barkela, B., Gil-López, T., & Klöckner, C. A. (2022). A License to Disrupt? Artistic Activism in Environmental Public Dissent and Protest. In Disruptive Environmental Communication (pp. 57-74). Springer, Cham.

Taylor, L. D., Gil-López, T. (2020). Personality Traits and Fans’ Motives for Attention to fictional narratives, in Dunn (Ed.) Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Media Fandom. IGI Global.

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